April 18, 2011

Monday Monday!

Even if you don't want to play with me, you're still going to get to hear about how you CAN each week... until someone DOES ;)

So this week, Random.org has chosen 2-45, Path to Heaven!

To play with me, any time this week, go to www.somethingbetsy.com and stare at all the pretty pictures. Then come back here, and comment with the image number (or numbers) you like most! I'll write all the suckers down (you don't have to make separate comments) and assign each a number. Then... I'll use Random.com to choose one for next week's Monday Monday! Come back next week to see if one of your images made the cut!  

Fine print: Each person can only submit each image ONCE. BUT, you can pick as many images as you like, and you can definitely send your friends over to comment "for" you. The only other stipulation: the image cannot have been featured for the past 4 weeks. Now... comment away!

These buttons will add this week's image to a shopping cart... which means there is no limit to the quantity/type!  You can also shop from the website www.somethingbetsy.com to the same shopping cart (only pay shipping once!). So shop away, or make sure to check back next Monday for a different random sale!

** This deal is over, but check out this week's Monday Monday post for the latest deal!**


1 comment:

debbie Kelly said...

Okay, I'll play...#20...love that place, we stayed there with the family last summer...just looking at the photo, I can taste the salt water, & smell the breeze....thanks for the memory!