January 30, 2012

Yes, I did survive!

So with my little cutie girl being over two months old, I'm realizing that this blog has nearly been abandoned! I do apologize, but I don't really feel bad about it ;). The family has demanded (not really) that I keep our family blog updated with photos of my Little Miss... and I'll be perfectly honest, I haven't gotten too many "fabulous artsy shots". She doesn't (and never has) stayed still... the most wiggly newborn ever - the girl doesn't even SLEEP still!

I do NOT promise to start blogging more, but having the family blog pretty much caught up and her miraculously still napping, I figured I'd let you know that I did, in fact, survive labor - it was pretty awesome actually. Most of my pregnancy involved pain, and a WONDERFUL epidural gave me about 10 hours free of any pain!!

I will continue to kiss these cheeks...

...and maybe, someday, eventually, I'll blog here again (or do something new with the business end of this adventure). On a side note: the website was down for a bit, but is BACK UP!! I'd love to hear your opinions on the photos, which ones you like, even which ones you don't, and what you do and don't like about the site. Please be kind in your criticisms though!


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