March 24, 2010

the new deal

So I've been trying REALLY hard to post every day... 
and it lasted a good 2 weeks!
I'm proud of myself. 
I only missed two days... lol!!
But hubby was gone for most of that time...
so I didn't feel bad blogging while watching TV at night. 
But *YAY* his "field work" should be slowing drastically.
so I'm gonna cut back a bit 
and take some advice from my Fabulous Blogging Friend
and only post a few times a week. 

The plan is a "What's for Dinner?" on Mondays, 
because... who wants to think about cooking dinner on Monday? 
No one. 
So there will be a recipe there just waiting for you to try.  

I figure Wednesday would be a good day to blab 
of my misadventures of the weekend/past week, 
because we all need a little excitement to get through our "hump day"... 
even if we DON'T work :-P

And then Friday...
you'll all get to see how productive I've been 
as far as Etsy goes... or otherwise. 
Hopefully I won't have too many 
"Darn. I didn't do ANYTHING this week!" posts... 

Don't forget to make me feel loved!
Leave me a comment when you come visit!  
P.S. I do take requests :-P 
Especially for Monday's :-P
I love a good excuse to cook!

And don't worry.
For all my totally random posts...
There's always Tuesdays and Thursdays

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