March 22, 2010

The weekend.

Today, I worked a few hours at Hidden Talents, which was HOPPING - ok, not really, but the phone would NOT stop ringing. Craft Fair is this weekend, and while it's going to be a fun time... it did not leave me much time to work on Charles' Chucks! I tried making another one to match the "Almost Chuck", but am gonna have to start all over... I should probably get on that. At least they'll be the "Super Cool" chucks... My friend Julie had her little baby boy on Sunday, so after visiting her, I got down to making him a little hat to go with his brown booties. And Pete has been working on his bow (like, bow and arrow bow) and a kayak... with my help of course. I am apparently the queen of adhesives and sketches. :-P *shakes head* I just hope he doesn't start on the kayak before we move!  I made sausage and peppers for dinner tonight, and Pete did dinner last night with some chicken wings. mmmmm... Maybe I'll do better tomorrow morning and get some more posts ready for this week...

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