March 24, 2011

Thing Thursday - Spidey!

You may remember me talking about The Spidey Project before... in random posts like this one about virtual shopping carts and this one about knitting. And more specifically in this one about... The Spidey Project. Well, they put their show on as scheduled on March 14th (not as much can be said for Broadway's version, but hey. Not everyone is as awesome as my friends are...) They got tons of press leading up to it... tickets sold out for both shows that night in one minute (combined) and I did NOT get one :(. HOWEVER, Justin is amazing, and has put up VIDEOS of the show!! It's in 4 parts, totaling a little under 1 hour. They are on you-tube, and let me tell you... it's an amazing show. It's not CATS... or Phantom of the Opera... but it's not supposed to be. It's kind of Avenue Q... but whatever... it's JUSTIN, and it's amazing. The music is unbelievable... the acting is phenominal, and really, Broadway? If you're listening? You really need to check these video's out and hire some of these actors. Especially Jon Roufaeal or Travis Nilan... but I might be biased there :-P.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

So take a peek, and tell your friends... they want to get 50,000 views by summer, and I'm SURE they can do it... with a little help from their friendly, neighborhood Spiderman... fans :-P.


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